Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. + Lots of Auto-Tune

BY Lil Wayne
ON Rebirth

Scared Eskimos* and the Amalgam

Polar tracks (not the kind left by big white bears) tend to divide the masses. Some like them while others find them enfuriating. Rarily do you find middle ground where indifference calls home. Hot Revolver is no exception. Chalked full of Auto-Tune, hip-hop and a side of rock- this song comes across like a dream you've sworn you've had before but can't quite put your finger on. Dare you give it a chance and you might find this track is more than just Robo-Cher. Listen closely and you can hear a musical amalgamation of the last 30 years. Sometimes artists stretch their legs into different genres and in doing so alienate their hardcore fans. It goes without saying that crossed fans are not shy about hating out loud: Stick to rap Weezy! How could you do this gay-ass Kanye shit? You're not that good of a rapper, what makes you think you'll be any good with rock? A mixture of different elements should not frighten or divide purely because of its bridgework. Let it push the boundaries and piss people off along the way.

*Yupik, Inuit or Aleut did not quite have the lyrical ring I was looking for.
