Who's game?

Do we know who Lisa Hannigan is yet? The search box told me no...so it's time for some edumacation. (If the search box lied, or if you already know about her, I direct you to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecphY-6dW3g)

Lisa opened for a Jason Mraz concert that I went to last November at The Greek (which was the best concert I've ever been too, btw)...and I swear...that's the most attention I've ever paid to an opening act. Her stage presence was so humble and shy at first that I thought, "Ok, this is going to be an hour of lame"...but once she started singing her first song...I fell in love. I iTunes'd her album immediately after the concert...and it quickly became one of the most repeated albums of my whole library.

Here's a video of her performing one of my favorite songs, "I Don't Know", at an Irish pub. I love how they're all cooped up in that little...corner room. I love how there are little kids running around the Irish pub. And I love her for bringing back the phrase "I'm game."


  1. Nice, T. Welcome to the party.

    I've added your song to the imeem player now, but you can also do it yourself if you want the instant gratification. Check out the info above the player to see how.


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