Tricky Tricky, Yo

Let me tell you that one of the other reasons I find it tricky to post to the CDC is that I'm nervous that the songs I might post have already been posted. Alas - a search of the blog yields no hits for Röyksopp...

... so, I present Tricky Tricky by Röyksopp. Enjoy!


  1. You did your due diligence, but I'm not sure how much the search can be trusted:

    Your spidey sense was tingling for a reason!


    Seems to bring up both. :(

    No worries, song is still kick-A.

  3. funny - doesn't show up in the search I linked in my post, but then again, it looks like I can spell... though I did search both...

    this could be the end of my CDC career! just not feeling the post vibe anymore... but still enjoy the tunes...


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