Best of Me :: Morningwood

With a little help from her team, Dianna has become a prolific poster in the past two months. This month she will be posting Best of Me by Morningwood. Chalk up another notch for New Yawk party bands, yo!

The song is very appropriate for The Dianna as it is a find of cross-pollination. Dianna’s main vice is holy-shit-bad-crackhead-reailty-TV. Her knowledge of VH1 reality shows is nearly encyclopedic; she can give you an historical perspective on the evolution and relationship between Flavor of Love and Rock of Love, and their myriad spinoffs. Seriously. Ask her sometime.

One of the spinoffs of the latter is Daisy of Love, which just started last week. Apparently Daisy De-La-Hoya didn't rock Bret Michaels' love, so she now has her own show. The theme song to that show is Best of Me. So there you go.

Incidentally Gus thinks the picture above is flat-out-awesome; nothing says "let's f*cking party!" like an 8 ball of stripe, some empty 9mm shells a bottle of JD and an inked up chick with a bad attitude. 


-The Dianna
