Assorted News

A few odds and ends...
  1. Joy! The details of Metric's upcoming 3rd LP have been revealed:
    Title: Fantasies
    Date: April 14
    PreOrder: March 2

    As a bonus - they have released this gorgeous acoustic version of CDC November Winner "Help I'm Alive":

    You can download it directly from our CDC mediafire site here.

  2. Someone added K'Naan to the calendar! Nice.

  3. Karen and I are attending the Bird & The Bee at the The Independent on Feb 9, and Emiliana Torini, also at The 'Dent, on Mar 29 if anyone wants to join us.

  4. A friendly reminder Mixmaster Jay is on the hook this weekend. All of the songs to date are now in the January folder on mediafire. He requested good songs this month. Have you helped him out? I see at least two playlist choices so compelling that they have been made for him. Time will tell if he sees it that way.

  5. With the closing of the December '08 polls on Saturday comes the finalizing of the Best of 2008. Prepare for an accompanying award ceremony with such categories as Best Song, Best Post, Best Graphic, Most Absentee, Most Eclectic, etc. Feel free to email me at if you have awards you'd like to see doled out (along with their finalists/winners).
That's it. Peace out.
