The theme is Love

Here are two offerings about some sort of love.

This first one is One Night in Paris by a group I posted about in April, Nous Non Plus. This is not an official submission but just something that seems appropriate this Monday morning.

(ed: added direct stream for this "non-official" submission)

The next song is Corazon by Bishop Allen and it's about the love for inanimate objects--yeah..stroke that keyboard Bishop Allen.



  1. Jay, I'm going to pay you the highest possible comment I can think of for a CDC post:

    1) Somehow, I had never heard of this guy
    2) I have already purchased music by him since hearing the fantastic Corazon

  2. Shucks...i'm loving it. My only regret...1)they have been to San Francisco so many times but there was no one to ever go with (hint).

    Biggest dillema for me was choosing that one appetizer song to get people to check them out. But I guess I did them good with this selection!

  3. I'll echo what Scott said. Bishop Allen is great!

    You can get a few sample songs from their website here:

    I loves the google.

    Nice find.

  4. Corazon is the best song I've been exposed to by the CDC that I hadn't already heard, ever. Nice work!


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