a drive-by playlisting

Well...it's only a matter of time...i miss you all and your new (or old) musics.

I was at a party at Hart-Jeffries and heard some precious songs we all did. And I realized I was music richer back then. And it's so easy with Spotify. So here are some music i'm currently listening to. Hoping someone(s) would return the gesture and help (please) expand my music choice(s). Which is currently heavily influenced by The Voice and American Idol. Not bad but it can go much richer, can go mas mas sabroso with y'all's help. 

If not, well...enjoy this small list...Happy American Thanksgiving all. 


  1. You all are welcome to add to this "collaborative" playlist. I have no ideas how this works but it says it can be done just by you adding to this playlist: spotify:user:quercuslobata:playlist:6APj7F7eF9LmMZJBKbByHs


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