CDC Supernova (or Farewell to the CDC)
It's been obvious for a couple months that our little club has lost its lustre. And that's okay. The concept was designed to fail... who bases a club on an outdated medium anyway?
So - I'm treating the next week as a wake for our friend. I intend on posting my brains out and encourage you to join me. I'll been printing up the last couple of months of disc and distributing along with March 2011 - the last CDC disc. Ever.
The March disc represents the bookend to three full years of the CDC. A good place to stop, methinks. Thanks to everyone who has made it a fun place to discover some new music. For those who are actually saddened by all of this... I've been thinking about a different way to do something similar, but it will require some development and a little time. So stay tuned. But for the CDC as we know it, I think it's time to say...
So - I'm treating the next week as a wake for our friend. I intend on posting my brains out and encourage you to join me. I'll been printing up the last couple of months of disc and distributing along with March 2011 - the last CDC disc. Ever.
The March disc represents the bookend to three full years of the CDC. A good place to stop, methinks. Thanks to everyone who has made it a fun place to discover some new music. For those who are actually saddened by all of this... I've been thinking about a different way to do something similar, but it will require some development and a little time. So stay tuned. But for the CDC as we know it, I think it's time to say...
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu...
sadness! I finally scrolled all the way down and I'm just reading this...I'm such a bad member of this club. Probably a contributing factor to its demise. Agh!! CDC! I really enjoyed being a fringe contributor, it always kept my mind bubbling and looking for cool new music that you probably hadn't heard yet. Thanks so much for letting me be a part of it!