Yay Help!

1) First, thanks to everyone who voted to help me out.

2) Second, sorry Diana, BM Linx and their Jovi's In Space sound didn't make the cut with the masses. I had that one lined-up for you.

3) Third, it has recently come to my attention that numbered bullets followed by ordinal words is stupid and redundant.

4) Fourth, St. Vincent = Annie Clark. Annie Clark = batshit crazy. Or at least, that's what she wants us to think. I find myself either loving her songs to death, or recoiling from their post-modernism. Regardless, please enjoy Laughing with a Mouth of Blood from her new album "Actors", which features one of my favorite chorus lyrics in sometime:

All of my old friends aren't so friendly
And all of my old haunts are now all haunting me

5) Fifth - hooray for Spoon and Got Nuffin. Our second August winner. You've probably heard of Spoon, but their sneaky little EP release has gone a bit under the radar and sports this little gem of a track. It's quite possibly the best three chord song I've heard this century (Update: TIE with Go With the Flow by Queen's of the Stone Age). What I really like about it is the "She Sells Sanctuary" singing guitar. Rarely is a guitar allowed to take the "vocals", these days. And yeah, when I'm listening to it in the car, I "sing" the guitar parts. Deal.

6) Looks like The Big Pink and Health are in the lead for September. Which is appropriate because both songs are from albums that don't even come out until next month.

7) Good luck Gus.


  1. Uh - you know I voted twice, right?
    Also, a little birdie told me that he/she may have voted for every single song on the poll, so by my calculations.... oh yeah, I win.


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