For March

I don't know why I must climb up onto his shoulder, or better climb up onto his back as he keeps repeating in this song, but after seeing this betcha I will. My first offering for March is Dan Black's Liz and Jonny which I found through a random music blog.

Dan Black - Liz And Johnny Live @ Fondation Cartier from Streetkiss on Vimeo.

Next stop on this March musical trip is with the Tame Impala, who reminds us to be on time or at least to call if we would ever miss a date, in this disturbingly vibed song, Half Full Glass of Wine. Which must be a red wine based on the tune.

I feel like I am committing a cardinal sin by posting this late in February for March, but I am adopting the famous saying that sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

Addendum: who needs a playlist if you can imbed videos!


  1. Dude,

    This is so wrong on so many levels. There's not even a playlist for March yet!

  2. Holy Crap. You created a March Playlist!

    Hmm. Not sure if I should even embed it in the site. Ass.


  3. he he he. Can't help it. had to share. or too much twinkies. just forgive already! and embed please Mr. DJ.

  4. Once again The Jay Jay demonstrates his impeccable musical tastiness. FYI, you should know that the album version of 'Half Full Glass of Wine' is nowhere near as good as the imeem version you found.


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