Guest DJs, Santa, and More...

A little housekeeping here.

First - thanks to Shawn for the first CDC Guest DJ playlist. I've burned our discs now to his exacting specifications and the "distribution channel", as it were, should start delivering his masterpiece tomorrow.

Out-of-towners and ne'er-do-wells can also download all the tracks and an xml playlist file for importing into iTunes here.

Ne'er-do-wells? Yeah. You know who you are. Without naming any names, a certain subset of the CDC found themselves awfully busy in November and unable to find time to post. That's cool. I know how it goes. Perhaps this is your graceful exit from our modest little club. If so, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain and return to your regularly scheduled lives. But if it was merely an oversight or inability - let me know and Santa can furnish your with one of the newly minted discs in the spirit of the holidays.

And hey - it's December! Let's close the new year out with a bang. The bad news is that the December disc will likely not be available in a physical form until Tuesday January 13th as the production line will be in Australia until that time. The good news is, for your two-weeks-worth of patience, you will be rewarded with a shiny bonus disc: The CDC - Best Of 2008. This disc will consist of the top-vote-getters from our first nine months. Joy!

And finally a reminder that Guest DJ spots are available in perpetuity if anyone has the same wherewithal as our man Shawn. Reserve your favorite month today!


  1. I second the thanks to the guest DJ. I also would like to take a stab at this and nervously volunteers to guest DJ for January 2009! Give me something to work with seeders.

    And lastly to the organizer(s) extraordinaire, merci alot.


  2. Jay - do you want January 2009 meaning you want to mix this month's (December) playlist on Jan 1? Or did you really mean that you would like to skip this month and mix January (on around Feb 1st)?

  3. As much as i'd like to do December's submission, I won't be back in the country until late 1/11 and I am not sure what kind of internet connection i'll have in Paris. I think it will be cutting it close. So, I must settle for the2/1 CD release...


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