Showcase Showdown: Home Video
Okay, I need help. And in addition to that of the psychological variety, I could use your assistance in selecting one of these fine tracks by Home Video. The first, "Maybe What You Need" was posted online just this month, while the second "I Can Make You Feel It", was similarly distributed by the band earlier this year. Both are from their upcoming LP "It Will Be OK".
These guys (a duo) are based in New York, and list as their influences: The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, Björk, Massive Attack, Brian Eno, Radiohead, The Cocteau Twins, Boards of Canada, My Bloody Valentine, Nine Inch Nails, and Portishead. If any of that floats your proverbial boat, hook a brother up and give these a listen, then vote on the right. I'll leave poll up for a week and then add the winner to the player.
OPTION I: Maybe What You Need
OPTION II: I Can Make You Feel It
And, as a bonus, I've included their track "We", from their 2004 Citizen EP, in a separate player here. Why? Just to confuse all of you? No. Simply because I find it to be one of the most remarkable songs I have ever listened to. Turn the lights out and give it a click...
can't help here...I like em all.
well, better than hating them all.